patient rights


Reminder patient information’s still safer than it once was: Marilyn Monroe’s x-rays + medical records up for auction

While many still worry about patient privacy and the security of medical and health information, a former diva’s medical records prove technological progress is not at the center of medical privacy invasion. Marilyn Monroe’s x-rays and medical records are up for auction at Julien’s Auctions, and are expected to sell for $20,000 to $30,000, Vanity […]

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Preventable harm associated with at least 210K deaths in U.S. hospitals annually, NASA scientist’s study shows

Preventable harm contributes to between 210,000 and 440,000 deaths in American hospitals, a new literature review in the Journal of Patient Safety finds. It divides these lethal mistakes into errors of commission, omission, communication, context and diagnostic errors. The smaller estimate, gleaned with help from the Global Trigger Tool, doesn’t include errors where the patient […]

Devices & Diagnostics

How much does it cost to replace the battery in a defibrillator? Super patient Hugo Campos knows

If you don’t follow Hugo Campos (@HugoOC) on Twitter, you probably should. He’s changing the way at least one of the big medical device companies–Medtronic (MDT)–thinks about sharing data with patients. He’s also posting interesting stuff on patient empowerment, privacy and data democritization. Campos posts regularly, too. He seems to really curate his feed. Here are […]

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